Le Reputation Institute vient de publier son rapport annuel, et le groupe LEGO y a conservé sa seconde place parmi les entreprises ayant la meilleure réputation. Il y conserve ainsi sa place de l’an dernier, devancé par Rolex. On retrouve ensuite des entreprises comme Walt Disney, Microsoft ou Sony. Cela fait d’ailleurs 9 ans que LEGO se place parmi les 10 premiers de ce classement. 

L’étude prend en compte sept critères : produits et services, innovation, lieu de travail, gouvernance, citoyenneté, leadership et performance. Les données sont mesurées par le Reputation Institute pour 100 grandes entreprises, en questionnant leur public dans 15 pays.

Une preuve supplémentaire de l’excellente réputation de LEGO dans l’industrie du jouet. Je vous laisse découvrir ci-dessous le communiqué de presse, en anglais.

For the ninth year in a row, the LEGO Group is ranked in the Top 10 of the Reputation Institute annual RepTrak®100 survey, retaining its number 2 position from last year.

Reputation Institute has released the annual RepTrak®100 survey. The LEGO Group maintains its rank from last year as the second-most highly regarded company in the world when it comes to corporate reputation.

Chief Executive Officer of the LEGO Group, Niels B. Christiansen, commented on the results:

“We are very happy and humbled to maintain such high regard by the public. It reflects the dedication our employees show every day to bring LEGO® play to children all over the world. In 2018 we bucked the toy industry trends, grew globally and delivered great play experiences to millions of children. The thousands of LEGO employees around the world should take pride in the fact that the general public hold us and the LEGO brand in such high regard.”

“What is important about the ranking is what lies behind it; that children and parents all over the world understand and acknowledge our aim to positively impact the world for future generations, and to deliver play experiences that help children develop those essential skills they need for the future.”

The RepTrak®100 study developed by Reputation Institute measures the corporate reputation of 100 companies by asking the public in 15 countries questions about the emotional appeal of each company. The study scores the companies on seven dimensions: Products & Services, Innovation, Workplace, Governance, Citizenship, Leadership and Performance.

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